Building an infographic properly requires knowing what not to do. Here are common errors in creating infographics and how to avoid them.

It’s starting to sound like a broken record, but listing out the benefits of creating an infographic for your business is a no-brainer at this point. That’s why you keep doing it!

In fact, creating an amazing piece of visual content is easier than you might think. With that being said, you’re not far from nailing one down, only to have it fall flat on your audience.

So, what did you do wrong?

Keep reading for a quick guide highlighting some of the most common errors in creating infographics. 

1. Misleading Data Visualization

Misleading data visualization is a common error in creating infographics. Data visualizations should be designed to present all the facts in a concise and understandable manner.

All data should be verified and interpreted with proper context. Omitting critical data points or showing data out of proportion creates bias or inaccuracy in data visualization.

2. Poor Choice of Color

Using too many colors can be overwhelming, while not enough colors can be boring and dull. It’s best to find a balance between too many and too few. At the same time, maintaining a color palette limited to no more than four to five colors.

Implementing contrasting, complementary, and analogous colors can help enhance the information. Be sure to match colors appropriately with the text on infographics and backgrounds. This deserves a try if you are looking for a tool to use for better infographic color options.

3. Lack of Visual Hierarchy 

Visual hierarchy makes it easier for the reader to identify the most important elements in the design. Without proper hierarchy, the message can be easily overlooked or the reader may find it difficult to follow the narrative.

In order to avoid this error, think of your headline and body text as layers. Start with the most important information and move down to the supporting information or details. 

4. Not Considering Mobile

Mobile has become an integral part of how we consume content online and infographics should be no exception. Many designers neglect to consider mobile when designing their infographics and it can lead to several common errors. For instance, images that are too large or too complex to be conveniently viewed on a mobile device can lead to a poor user experience.

5. Using Too Many Fonts

It can be tempting to incorporate too much variation, but this can make your graphic appear cluttered and unprofessional. A good rule of thumb is to stick to two fonts: one for titles and headers and a second for body text.

Just like in other design projects, font types and sizes should be used in a thoughtful way – the chosen fonts should link thematically to clearly differentiate different elements and messages within the graphic.

6. Endless Length

One of the most frequent mistakes made in creating infographics is an endless length of content. It is important to limit the amount of information and be concise. 

To avoid this error, always ensure comprehensive research is conducted before creating the infographic. This includes knowledge of the subject, the context of the topic, and how it can be applied to a larger audience. 

Avoid These Errors in Creating Infographics

Don’t forget these common errors in creating infographics. Incorporating visuals, maintaining consistency, and defining objectives is important for creating successful designs.

With a little practice, you can produce successful infographics. Try creating your first one today and experience the power of visuals in storytelling!

For more great tips on this topic, read some of our other blogs here.

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